Thursday, July 18, 2024

How to Keep Your Joy

There are times when life is hard.  Whether it be your health, your job, or even looking at world events. Hard events can make you lose your joy. Sometimes you may just need to take a break. It is good to take a break, step back, and reevaluate your life. Taking breaks is good but it is long lasting.  You must change your mindset and look at the positive things in your life. That is how you keep your joy. To help you get started I have included a few things to do to make sure you get your joy back and keep it. 


You are doing an excellent job

I have made considerable progress in both my personal and professional life. I planned to do more writing and reviews. I already have my plans for what I will be writing next month. The plans were on hold because I got sick. At first, anger consumed me as I fell behind. Then I thought about all the things I had done. 

Remember the same. When you feel you have failed, think about what you have accomplished. Remember the good things you have done and are still doing. 


Look for joy in small moments. 


You accomplished a goal regardless of how small, celebrate it. You clean out your closet or drawer and be happy about finishing that task. You made a delicious meal, enjoy eating it. Appreciate how you made something wonderful.



Take time for hobbies.


Even if it is for five or ten minutes, return to your favorite hobbies. It may take time to enjoy an old hobby, so do not be hard on yourself. Just relax and focus on doing what you love. 



It Will not Always be Like This 

When you are having a fun time, you may feel like it will always be like this. Especially if it is something that has been going on for a while.

It is okay if you do not finish everything. 

I had activities that I wanted to accomplish but could not. We all have days when we are not able to finish our tasks. This does not make us lazy. Sometimes, we are tired and sometimes we are sick. Sometimes, we do not have enough time to complete our goals. That is okay. We can adjust our deadlines. 



I am not a mistake. 


There are times we fail. We may misspell something or make a mistake in our speech. But that does not mean that we are a mistake. Do not let missteps or accidents shape your entire life. Keep trying and believing you can do better. 






Do not Compare Yourself to Others


Never compare yourself to someone else because that is a surefire way to lose peace! People online show only the best things in their lives. Most do not share the terrible things. No one is transparent enough to show all their flaws and troubles. No one tells you how hard they worked. What they went through to achieve their goals in life.


Also, do not try to be like someone else, learn to be the best you can be. Stay focused on achieving your own goals and achievements in life. 



Live your authentic life. 



Resist the urge to try to be like everyone else. Be yourself and live the life you want. The right things and people will gravitate to you when you embrace yourself.


Do not sweat trivial things.



 I allowed what someone said to upset me so much that I was myself for two days! I realized that it was not what they said that hurt me it was just that I had insecurities that I never got rid of from my past.


 I finally realized that in my heart I knew what I was doing was not wrong. I realized I should not feel guilty for something I knew I did not do wrong. Just yesterday I told my mom the same thing when someone said something she did not like. I told her "You did nothing wrong, so you have nothing to worry about."


 Also, you do not know the motives of the person talking so you do not know if they have an issue with you. The only way to find out is to ask them. Just shrug it off because no one knows you like you do. 



Think of Someone Else


When I got upset my mom told me "You need to get your mind off yourself." So, I set about doing good things for others. That helped me to realize that I should be thankful. Sometimes we forget to be grateful for what we have instead of what we do not. 


I was so glad to see that what little bit I did helped them out. It made me feel better just to see that I could do something to help someone. 



Doing these few things will cause you to have joy despite what happens in your life. You may have moments where you are not okay, but your happiness and joy will return. 

This post was originally written in 2016 and includes new updates. 

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