Thursday, February 1, 2024

How to Prevent Yourself from Experiencing Burn-Out

How to Prevent Yourself from Experiencing Burn-Out 

 I have experienced burnout. I was working hard to prove myself in my new position. Wanting to prove myself caused me to work long hours. I would constantly take work home. I thought overworking myself would prove I belonged. 

The burnout caused me to experience health problems. I knew something had to change. I decided I needed to take steps to keep things from getting worse. 
Once I took these steps, I was able to recover. 

 I am sharing tips that will help you not to experience burnout. 

What is Burn Out? 

  According to the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), burn-out means an "occupational phenomenon."

“Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions: feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and reduced professional efficacy.”

Who can experience it?

People who work in a toxic environment or high-stress environment. It usually occurs in health care professionals, educators, social workers, emergency responders, and caregivers. Parents and guardians can also experience it. 

People experience a lack of fulfillment in their careers. Individuals who struggle with perfectionism can experience it. Experiencing a lack of physical, emotional, or financial support can cause burnout. 

 1. Recognize the signs of stress

I realized that I was having more health problems. Stress was what was happening. Stress is a biological response to stressful events or experiences. My body was responding to the toxic environment I was experiencing. 

These are some of the signs you may be experiencing stress:

Upset stomach or stomach cramps.


Clenched Teeth

Tight muscles  

Back pain

No appetite

Heavy chest 

High blood pressure  

Lump in throat. 

Not sleeping

You can also experience stress in your emotions and mental health. 



Panic Attach


 2. Ask for Help



 If you are feeling overwhelmed, ask for help. Delegate some tasks to others at work. Whether it is a support network at your job or in your personal life, use it. Reach out to them when you need help.  

Connect with those whom you feel good being around. People who help you remain calm and assist you. Who listens to you when you need help. 

3. Learn to have boundaries. 

Boundaries are rules we have to set for ourselves. Boundaries can be about how we spend our time. It can also mean communicating your wants and needs. It also means accepting other people's boundaries as well. 

Set boundaries by separating your work and your home life. Learn how to not bring your work home every day. If you work from home have a set schedule to begin and end your day. Also, learn not to answer emails at a certain time. Answer them when you have the time and space. If it can wait until tomorrow, then let it. 

Also, set boundaries for your personal life. 

4. Learn to take breaks 


 When you have a lot to do, it may seem impossible to take a break. You need to take care of your physical needs. Get something to drink and eat. Just step away from your work and take one. Return to work focused and refreshed.



5. Learn to prioritize


 I made the mistake of not prioritizing things. Especially when I know I have something important to do. I lost focus on dealing with situations that were not important. Focus on your goals and what you need to do. 

 Put important things you to list first. If the deadline for accomplishing something is tomorrow, you would put that before something due in two years. Also, put the things that take longer to do first. Also, things that are due soon should take priority.

6. Practice Self Care 

Self-care includes all the above things. It also includes getting your rest. Make sure you get enough sleep at night. Put your phone on do not disturb so you can go to sleep. Use wellness apps that allow you to timers on your app use. For example, you set the time for 5 minutes to be on Twitter. Having a timer will help you from mindless scrolling social media at night. 

Self-care can also mean exercising, meditating, yoga, and journaling. Find healthy activities that make you feel good. I know listening to music and reading helps me deal with stress. Include those activities in your morning and night routine. 

7. Let go of perfectionism

Perfectionism is the refusal to accept nothing but perfection. There is nothing wrong with trying to do an excellent job. However, waiting for something to be completely perfect is setting yourself up for failure. You constantly find yourself not being able to complete tasks. In some instances, you may just give up because you did not do a perfect job. 

8. Seek Professional Help

Are you experiencing pain from being burned out? Visit your doctor if the pains are causing high blood pressure and other heart difficulties.

 Stress over a long period can cause serious health problems. If finances are preventing you from seeing a doctor, check your hospital to see if they assist in paying your medical bills. 

The resources below can help a diverse group of people if therapy is needed: 

Have Bad Days Too (The name of the page has a curse word) But the resources are great. 
