Friday, January 12, 2024

Self-Love Affirmations

Self-Love Affirmations 

For a while, I knew that I needed to change some things in my life. One thing was the negative self-talk and thoughts. I had been getting accustomed to repeating the negative things that were not true. 

I realized that even though I had gotten away from those negative people, their words and actions remained. Their words still replayed in my mind. I would find myself repeating them. 
I decided I needed to stop believing false things about myself. I knew these things were not true. Those words were not who I was or what I believed in. The harmful words were coming from bitter people. If I wanted not to become like them, I had to stop the negative self-talk. 

I started thinking about what I wanted out of life. I decided to be more loving to myself. I am deleting those harsh words and replacing them with kinder words. The words I know to be true about myself. 

I came up with affirmations that I wanted to repeat to myself daily. I am sharing with you things I have been saying for years now. When I am in an overwhelming situation, I repeat what I know is true. 

What are self-affirmations? 

Self-affirmations are also called value affirmations. Psychologist Claude Steele proposed this theory. It is the concept that people are motivated to maintain their beliefs in themselves to control outcomes. These beliefs are that they are adapted, moral, competent, and capable. When faced with difficult circumstances that challenge one's values, one may feel uncomfortable.  To reduce the feelings, one reduces the new information by affirming oneself. 

From the APA definition of the Self Affirmation Theory 

How do I make self-love affirmations work for me?

I have told you why I say affirmations. But you wonder how it can help you. Researchers have done studies to show affirmations work. Geoffery L. Cohen and David K. Sherman conducted research showing how affirmations work. 

 In the Cohen and Sherman study, they examined people who affirmed themselves. When faced with stressful events, they used self-affirmations as a defense. They stated what they believed about themselves. Believing in themselves helped them be successful. Looking at another study may explain why they were successful. 

Creswell conducted a study to see if college students who say self-affirmations were able to buffer stress. They found eighty undergraduate students who were facing chronic stress. 

They randomly selected students and placed them in a self-affirmation control environment. The researchers gave All students a difficult remote test while monitored by an evaluator.  

Those underperforming students who affirmed themselves had lower cortisol levels when faced with stressful events. Affirmations allowed them to problem-solve better. 

Having problem-solving skills allows a person to be successful in their health, education, and relationship outcomes. These benefits can go on for months and even years for years. 

How to find yourself? 

To affirm yourself, you have to think about what you believe about yourself. Outside of titles or external things, who are you? What are your core values? What do you see yourself now? How do you see your future? What behaviors do you need to do to get the future you want? 

Love Your Self Affirmations 

I choose to feel good about myself. 

What do you feel good about yourself? Think about what you love about yourself. Then say and write that down. Focus on that truth about yourself. 

I accept and love myself for who I am right now. 

I am worthy of receiving the love I want. 

I love my personality.

What part of your personality do you love? 

I love my body the way it is now. 

I will give myself some grace. 

After making a mistake give yourself grace. 

I will let my light shine brightly. regardless of who is around. 

What is your light? What is a value or trait that you have that you love and that draws others?

I accept my hair. 

I love my body and what it can do. 

I love my features and my skin. 

I deserve to be loved. 



Saying what is true about yourself will help you handle things better. For the affirmations to work, you have to have goals in mind. The goals should reflect your current and future life. Discover what behaviors align with those goals. For example, if you value spending time with your family or friends, make time for them. Work those behaviors into your life. 

What are some affirmations you say to yourself? What type of self-care are you doing this year? 


Geoffrey L. Cohen and David K. Sherman

Annual Review of Psychology 2014 65:1333-371

Self-Affirmation Improves Problem-Solving under Stress

More information about the self-affirmation theory. APA dictionary definition of self-affirmation-theory
