Monday, April 4, 2016

How to Deal with Rejection

How to deal with rejection 

images from or made in Canva. 

What is rejection 

Rejection is when we seek a connection or relationship, but that person we seek does not accept us. 


How to cope with rejection


Allow yourself to feel


Do not downplay your emotions. Doing so is not healthy. Allow yourself to feel the hurt or whatever feelings you may have.


Transform your self-image.


The rejection you received does not mean you are a failure. Do not allow that rejection to shape your identity and your value. Accepting others determines your self-worth and identity. It has nothing to do with your job, your car, your hair, or your friends because those things are forever changing. When you base your identity on inconsistent things or people, you will always let yourself down. To overcome rejection-related issues, a change in self-perception is necessary. Learn how to see yourself.

It is time to base your identity on your good qualities and work on the things you want to change.

Take care of yourself


Focus on what you want to do to improve your mental and physical health.


Please do not take it personally. 


When someone rejects you, refuse to take it. Rejection has more to do with the person’s choices than you.

Do not compare yourself to others.

Comparison causes you to be envious of others. It also causes you to diminish your accomplishments and your identity. Instead, focus on your goals and learn what you can do to accomplish your goals.

Surround yourself with people that accept you. 

Surround yourself with other people who love you. 

Appreciate those that love and accept you for who you are and what you want to become. Allow them to love you and you love them back. Spend time with them. This will help you to know you have support and love. 

 Learn from it. 

If the rejection you faced is a result of your own mistake, learn from it. Make reflections on how you could have managed the situation better. Proceed to make the necessary modifications.


Despite rejections, continue to love yourself and give it your all. Keep moving and growing into a better version of yourself.

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