Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Best Tricks You Can Use to Beat the Heat Every day and Stay Cool This Summer

The Best Tricks You Can Use to Beat the Heat Every and Stay Cool This Summer 

There was a time when our air conditioning was not functioning for all of us. Sometimes something is broken in your A/C system. When this occurs, you will wait for an expensive repair person. The brave ones try to fix it themselves; results can vary depending on your skills. If your A/C is working, it runs for long periods to keep up with the speeding-up temperatures. You may find it difficult to handle the heat during the day. All the conditions might result in you raising your hands in surrender. Instead of facing defeat, you can fight it. Today I am sharing a few tips to help you stay cool this summer. These affordable tips are ones that your grandparents or great-grandparents may have used. You can’t be wrong about something that has been done and worked. I also include a few new gadgets that you may want to use to beat the heat this summer. 

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Tricks to Beat the Heat 

1Buy cotton sheets

Photo by JayMantri

Invest in cotton sheets like Egyptian Cotton or anything organic. Sheets made of organic material will create ventilation in your bed. Try these sheets and you will sleep well tonight. 


2Feel the Burn 

This may sound insane but throw your clean sheets in the freezer. Put your clean sheets in a plastic bag and place them in the freezer for a few minutes before bed. This will not keep you cool but will work for a few hours. 

3. Spray It 

The Egyptian method requires you to dampen your sheet in cool water. I use a water bottle to dampen my sheets. Once your sheets are wet, you then use the sheet as a blanket. Put down a dry towel to prevent your mattress from being soaked. 

4. Turn the Fans Around

If you have a ceiling fan change the setting to counterclockwise. Doing this will pull the hot air up and out. 

5. Wear Cotton PJs 

This is the time to buy cotton pajamas. Pick a pair that is loose so your skin can breathe at night.


6.  Stay Cool in the Day 

When you go outside, wear a fabric that is breathable and comfortable. You can check out one of my recent blog posts to find the best fabric for summer. 

7. Icebox Fan 

This one is another strange but effective tip. Get a fan and plug it in. Find a pan or a shallow dish. Place ice in the shallow dish and place in front of the fan. Turn the fan on and enjoy the cool air coming from the ice. You can also get one of these Misting fans. 

8. Turn the oven off 

Now is the time when you can spend less time cooking in the kitchen. Use a slow cooker, grill, or griddle because your oven produces more heat than any of those items. Doing this will make your home cooler. 

9. Drink Up 

Photo by Pixabay 

You should drink cool water From when you get up in the morning until you go to bed. This will not only keep you hydrated but also cool. Drink when you are thirsty or just before you have to venture outside. Also, drink more water before doing physical exercise. 

10. Turn Off the Lights 

Try to use more natural light from the sun during the day. Man-made lights cause a lot of heat and will make your room hotter. 

11. Disconnect from tech 

When your devices charge, they give off a lot of heat. This can cause your room to feel a lot hotter. Try not to charge your devices for hours or leave them unplugged. Charge your devices at nighttime or early in the morning. 

12. Get Cold Feet 

When it gets hot make your feet feel colder. The temperature of your feet has a lot to do with your body. It can even impact how you sleep. Before you sleep, soak your feet in cold water and then dry them off. Go to bed as soon as you dry off your feet and feel cool for at least two hours.  

13. Open your windows 

On some summer nights, the air is nice and cool. This is your chance to open up a window and let the cool breeze in. If you don't have allergies this is an excellent way to stay cool.  

14. Create a cross breeze 

Position a fan across an open window on a windy or cool day. Doing this will allow the wind from the outside to work with the fan. You can also use multiple fans in one room to create airflow. 

15.  Buy Blackout Curtains 

Buy blackout curtains that will prevent the sunlight from entering your rooms. Using blackout curtains will help your room to feel a lot cooler. 

17. Apply cold compresses

If you feel too hot you can apply a cold compress on your wrist or neck. Place a towel or cloth on your skin and apply the compress. Doing this prevents ice burn. 

18. Dress cool 

When going out, always wear cool clothing. Lightweight fabrics such as cotton will keep you cool in the summer. 

19. Misting fans or small fans 

When going outdoors, don’t forget to bring a small portable fan. You can use USB fans. There are also battery-operated fans which are cheaper. Some are misting fans and others are regular fans. Make sure you change your USB fans before leaving the house. 


20. Use sunblock

To prevent sunburn use sunblock on uncovered skin. Apply a generous amount to your skin and rub it in. Follow the directions on the sunblock. 


21. Protect your head and eyes. 

Sunblock is good but so is covering your head and eyes. Covering your head prevents sun damage to your hair. Wearing a hat or scarf prevents your head from the heat. Wearing sunglasses prevents sun damage. 

Conclusion: these tips are what I am currently doing right now to deal with the heat. Each tip is helping me, and I hope it can help you. If you have any affordable tips to deal with the summer heat. Share in the comment section. 


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