Thursday, April 4, 2024

Ways to Recharge Your Mental and Physical Health this Spring


Most people are relieved when spring comes. They feel recharged in their mental health. However, some people experience more anxiety or feel fatigued. This is because of the changing of the time. The time change disrupts some people’s circadian rhythm. Losing that one hour of sleep can be hard for some. 

Others may suffer from it because of the increased humidity in their environment. People living with allergy also experience anxiety because of their symptoms. To help combat that, there are ways to recharge your mental health this spring. 

1. Get your rest. 

Image by Katrin 

The extra hour of daylight might make you want to stay awake for longer. Some people stay up hours after their normal bedtime. While you may accomplish a great deal, you’ll likely feel drained.

 Commit to a regular sleep schedule if you can. This will allow you to get your rest and be able to accomplish all of your goals this season. 

Tips on getting to sleep. 

Put your phone away for at least an hour before going to bed. The blue light keeps you up, so put it away. Keep your room nice and dark. To improve your sleep, either turn on your fan or adjust the temperature to a cooler setting. 

Try journaling or reading a book before going to bed. Discover a suitable routine that aids in relaxation and winding down. 

2. Mediate 

Woman in Black Mediating

Image by Mikhail Nilov

 Our minds can get overloaded with activities and lists of things to do. That is why we have to sit down and take time to be silent. First, ground yourself and clear your thoughts. Focus on your breathing. 

3. Take your vitamins 

Check with your doctor first to see if you have vitamin deficiency. Ask your doctor to recommend the best vitamin and vitamin brand for you. They may prescribe your vitamins or tell you which ones to buy over the counter. 

4. Increase your exposure to sunlight.

Image by Leticia Curvelo 

Spend some time outdoors when it is sunny.  Even if you just walk around for a few minutes outdoors. You can even find a nice spot to sit down and just enjoy your surroundings. Have kids, take to them an outdoor event that the whole family can enjoy. Whatever works for you and your time schedule, do it. 

5. Help your gut 

Image by RitaE

No, I am not talking about dieting. I am talking about improving your gut health. The health of your gut or digestive system can affect your mood and health. 

After eating all of those rich holiday and comfort foods in the winter, your gut needs some help. Food such as asparagus, artichokes, apricots, strawberries, kale, and dandelion greens can improve your gut health. 

Try to buy fruit and vegetables that are in season.  Just make sure to rinse off the fruit and vegetables with water, white distilled Vinger, and baking soda. 

6. Improve your allergy symptoms. 

Having allergies can be frustrating. Congestion makes it difficult to concentrate or find joy in life. To improve and help with allergies, eat food that fights inflammation. Foods that have quercetin, Vitamin C, and bromelain.  

Spring cleans your home to get rid of the dust and other allergens in your home. Invest in a good air purifier for your home. 

7. Move your body. 

Image by Corelens 

After being in the house during the winter you may not have exercised like you normally do. Or you may not have exercised as much. It’s time to go outside and be active. 

Take a walk or jog in your neighborhood. You can join an exercise group or go to the gym. Make yourself a workout playlist to give you some motivation and energy for your routine. 

Don’t let to exercise, increase your steps instead. When going shopping find a parking space that is further from the building. Doing small things like that can help you increase your activity. Find an activity that you love to do to help you feel motivated to move. 

8. Take some time for yourself 

Image by capturenow

After spending time socializing with others during the holiday season, you feel depleted. Some may try to overschedule themselves with activities this Spring. Overscheduling can cause you to feel overly stimulated. 

This is especially true for introverted people. Make sure to take some quiet time for yourself. This may be taking time to read that book you had on yourself for months. Whatever hobbies or things you enjoy. Try to do those hobbies by yourself. Learn to enjoy being by yourself sometimes. 

9. Take a mental health day! 

Image By SHVETS 

If things are overwhelming take a day off. Spend that time resting or seeking therapy. If you have a boss and they want a reason for you taking a day off, just use your sick leave. 

You don't owe them a long explanation about your mental health. There is no shame in taking a mental health day, but you don't owe anyone an explanation. 

10. Write in your journal 

Image by Corelens 

Write down your thoughts and feelings at the beginning and end of the day. This gives you a clean slate in the morning and evening. You can use journal prompts to help you process what you want to say or feel. 

11. Clean and organize your space. 

Image by Tima 

Anxiety and stress can be heightened by a messy environment. Take a few moments to get rid of clutter. For example, delete some of those emails from stores or sales that have passed. You also have the choice to eliminate those old ads or coupons that were included in your mail. Doing small things will make things less cluttered. Start with the space you spend the most in. 

12. Change your physical space 

After tidying up and organizing, you might want to consider rearranging your living space. Time to bring out Spring decor. You can even change your color scheme in the home. Pick more colorful paint colors, if you like bright colors. 

13. Show someone else some kindness

Image by Kampus Productions 

Sometimes we spend some much time focused on ourselves and we forget about others. Try showing kindness to others. You can commence by considering the surrounding people. Do something kind for them, whether it is a smile, a text, or a call. Giving a compliment or saying you love them is a great way to start. 

14. Give yourself a break 

Shaming yourself for being tired or not productive will not help you. Show yourself compassion and love. Speak positive things about your life. Things you believe you can do. Then continue to do the things you can do. Whatever you can’t accomplish this season, you can accomplish in the next. 

For more tips and most to get you through this season: 

How to get your home organized

How to Keep Your Self From Burning Out

How to Allergy Proof Your Home
